LiveOn with us for 2025-26
Students considering a Change of Campus to University Park are eligible to participate in the current students LiveOn Housing Process. Students should follow the Change of Campus guidelines to ensure that their request for a campus change is successful. Depending upon your scheduled semester to change to University Park, there is a different process for fall and spring semesters:
2025 Spring Semester: add name to On-Campus Housing Waitlist in eLiving, which opens at 12:00 p.m. (noon) Tuesday, Oct. 1, 2024
2025-26 Academic Year: participate in current students LiveOn Housing Process, in either the Blue Track (during fall 2024) or White Track (during spring 2025), which is about one year prior to Change of Campus effective date
2026 Spring Semester: add name to On-Campus Housing Waitlist in eLiving, which opens at 12:00 p.m. (noon) Wednesday, Oct.1, 2025
View LiveOn Housing Process information sessions and webinars - there is one webinar specifically for Change of Campus students
Spring Semester Change of Campus
Students who add their name to the On-Campus Housing Waitlist will receive a Housing and Food Service (HFS) Contract offer starting in mid-November. Offers are released on Monday afternoons to students who have scheduled spring semester University Park classes. Students will be eligible to self-select their room assignment. Learn more about the spring housing process.
2025-26 Academic Year Change of Campus
Students who are requesting a Change of Campus for the entire academic year can participate in the current students LiveOn Housing Process during either the Blue or White Track. It is highly recommended that students Request Housing for both their current campus of enrollment (if applicable) and their expected Change of Campus. When the student receives an invitation, they can select an available housing option and create/accept the HFS Contract, even if the Change of Campus has not yet been approved. Once it is determined which campus the student will attend, it is the student's responsibility to cancel the HFS Contract for the campus where they will not be attending by contacting the Housing Assignment Office. There is no penalty to cancel a HFS Contract at the campus the student is not attending.
All students who Request Housing will receive an invitation. Receiving an invitation for a campus that is not the student's current campus of enrollment does not imply that the Change of Campus request has been or will be approved. Accepting the HFS Contract offer does not guarantee that a student's Change of Campus will be approved.
University Park offers different housing options that will display during the invitation process.
Housing space is not reserved for students requesting a Change of Campus. If a student does not participate in the LiveOn Housing Process, students can add their name to the On-Campus Housing Waitlist. There is no guarantee that students on the Waitlist will receive a HFS Contract offer.