Manage Your HFS Contract

Students living in University Housing will utilize eLiving, your online resource for managing your Housing and Food Service (HFS) Contract. eLiving functions include accepting the HFS Contract, updating housing preferences, Room Exchange eBoard, modifying your Campus Meal Plan, Request Housing for future contract periods, and so much more!
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Housing and Food Service (HFS) Contract
This Housing and Food Service Contract (“HFS Contract”), made effective on the date the student indicated their signature, is a legally binding agreement between The Pennsylvania State University (“University”), a state-related institution and instrumentality of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania subject to the Pennsylvania nonprofit corporation laws and the above-named individual (“Student”) for an assignment in University-owned residential spaces (“University housing”).
When a student accepts the HFS Contract, they complete a 3-step process to acknowledge their agreement to the Contract Signing Statements and the Terms, Conditions, and Regulations (TCRs).
The HFS Contract is managed through the University's eLiving system, which requires Penn State authentication to access (delegate access accounts are not eligible to utilize eLiving). The student can view their HFS Contract in eLiving > Contracts > Summary, then click on the HFS Contract name. The HFS Contract is also exportable as a PDF file from this screen.

Housing Preferences
The HFS Contract offers students the ability to indicate preferences, such as area, room type, Living Learning Community, etc., based on the student's housing option. Preferences may be updated until the indicated deadline date.
Housing Options
University Park offers a variety of housing options!
Incoming First-Year Students
- Building Types: traditional residence halls, renovated residence halls, and suite-style halls
- Room Types: double-occupancy rooms and suite-style (2-bedroom/4-person), and limited single-, triple-, and quad-occupancy rooms available. Some students may be assigned to supplemental housing.
Upper-Class Students
- Building Types: traditional residence halls, renovated residence halls, suite-style halls, and apartments
- Room Types: double-, single-, triple-, and quad-occupancy rooms; single-occupancy room with in-room bathroom; suite-style (2-bedroom/4-person); 4-person apartments; supplemental housing.
Penn State values diversity and feel strongly that living with others from different backgrounds, cultures, and ethnic groups serves to enhance the college and residential experience. We are committed to equal access and maintaining an environment free of harassment and discrimination against any person.
The University does not utilize a roommate matching survey or ask questions regarding a student's personal preferences, and will randomly match students to reside together. First-year students will only be assigned with other first-year students.
Incoming First-Year Students
If a student is interested in rooming with a friend, both students must indicate each other as roommate preferences on the HFS Contract using their Penn State Access Account (i.e. abc123). Verify that the correct student has been chosen before the 12 p.m. May 15 preference modification deadline.
When room assignments are processed, only mutual roommate requests will be paired together. The first student's account to be processed for a room assignment will have their housing preferences referenced for where the students are assigned. If there is no space available to match the housing preferences, the second student's housing preferences will be reviewed. If neither of the indicated housing preferences are available, the students will be assigned to any available space.
Current Students
Roommates are listed as a preference on the HFS Contract. Roommate preferences can be modified until the 12 p.m. April 1 preference modification deadline. This allows the student additional time to identify a potential roommate, if one was not known when the student participated in the LiveOn Housing Process.
Roommate Requirements:
Roommate must have an accepted HFS Contract for the same type of housing option.
If roommate has an accepted HFS Contract for a different housing option, the roommate must add their name to the Preferred Housing Option Waitlist for the same space to be considered for placement together.
Adding a roommate does not guarantee placement together. If the student has a different housing option, there is no guarantee that they will updated to the same housing option, as it depends on overall space availability.
Adding a roommate who does not have an accepted HFS Contract will not release a HFS Contract offer to them.
Friends who were added to the housing selection MUST be added as a roommate preference if they wish to live together.
Submittal Deadlines
Housing Preferences can be updated until 12 p.m. (noon) in eLiving > Contracts > Summary / Update Preferences
Group |
Deadline |
Incoming First-Year Students |
May 15 |
Upper-Class Students |
Apr. 1 |

Gender Inclusive Housing
Penn State strives to provide a safe, inclusive, comfortable, and supportive living environment for all students residing on campus.
The University is proud to offer students who identify as a member of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and ally students community. In addition to the Ally House Living Learning Community which is available to any student, the University offers several Gender Inclusive Housing options across campus to meet the individual needs of a student and where a staff member will work with a student one-on-one to identify the most appropriate room assignment. Upper-class students may also utilize the Open Housing option, where students of any gender may live together in a space.
Learn more about Gender Inclusive Housing.

Break Access/Holiday Housing
The University has three closedown periods during the academic year. During these periods, University Housing also closes. Students are not permitted to remain in University Housing during the closures (personal items are permitted to remain in the room).
For students who are unable to leave campus during the three closedown periods, Break Access/Holiday Housing is an option that permits the student to stay in their permanent room assignment. There is an additional fee of $1020 per academic year for Break Access/Holiday Housing for ALL housing options (including Nittany and White Course Apartments).
Once a student has selected a housing option and created the HFS Contract offer, they will be able to indicate housing preferences. If Break Access/Holiday Housing is available in the selected housing option, the student will be able to indicate that Break Access/Holiday Housing is required and the system will automatically add this to their eLiving account. Any changes that are required to a student's account regarding Break Access/Holiday Housing will incur a $25 administrative fee that will be charged to the student's LionPATH account.

Room Assignment
Room assignments are posted in eLiving at 12 p.m. (noon) at least two weeks prior to the scheduled Arrival date. Students will be able to view their room and building assigned and roommate(s) - name, Penn State Access Account, and cell phone (if available).
eLiving > My Info > My Room
2024-2025 Academic Year | |
Semester | Date |
Summer Session II | Monday, Jun 10 |
Fall | Tuesday, Jul 16 |
Spring | Monday, Dec 3 |
2025-2026 Academic Year | |
Semester | Date |
Summer Session II | Monday, Jun 9 |
Fall | Tuesday, Jul 15 |
Spring | Monday, Dec 1 |

Room Exchange eBoard
The eBoard feature provides students the ability to manage their room assignment. The eBoard is a safe and secure way to view posts made by other students who are interested in changing their room assignments. Requests are managed completely within the eLiving system. If students agree to a room switch, the eLiving system will automatically update each student's room assignment.
Once room assignments are posted in eLiving, the Room Exchange eBoard is available for students to use to manage their room assignment.
The Direct Room Switch feature is available for students who want to request a switch with a specific person
The eBoard feature is available for students who are interested in a different room assignment. Once a student has posted their room assignment to the eBoard, they are then eligible to view other students' posts, including those in other residence halls and housing areas. The student can request a room swap with another student who has posted on the eBoard.
Room Exchange eBoard is available in eLiving > My Info> Room Exchange eBoard
Room Exchange eBoard Availability
Students can also utilize the Room Exchange eBoard available starting and ending at 12 p.m. (noon) to manage their room assignment.
eLiving > My Info > Room Exchange eBoard
2024-2025 Academic Year | ||
Semester | Date | Action |
Spring Semester | Sunday, Jan 12 | Room Exchange eBoard opens |
Monday, Mar 31 | Room Exchange eBoard closes |
2025-26 Academic Year | ||
Semester | Date | Action |
Summer Session II | Monday, Jun. 9 | Room Exchange eBoard opens |
Friday, Jun. 13 | Room Exchange eBoard closes | |
Fall Semester | Tuesday, Jul. 15 | Room Exchange eBoard opens |
Tuesday, Aug. 5 | Room Exchange eBoard closes | |
Tuesday, Sep. 2 | Room Exchange eBoard re-opens | |
Friday, Oct. 31 | Room Exchange eBoard closes | |
Spring Semester | Sunday, Jan. 11 | Room Exchange eBoard opens |
Tuesday, Mar. 31 | Room Exchange eBoard closes |
Visit Room Exchange eBoard Instructions site for additional information.

Open Room
The Open Room Change is available in eLiving for eligible students to change their room assignment for spring semester ONLY (this option is not available for summer or fall semester). The Open Room Change will identify rooms that have a vacancy available. Some students may not be eligible to utilize the Open Room Change, such as students with a housing accommodation, sorority members, etc. Students who are eligible will receive an email from the Housing Assignment Office with instructions.
Open Room Change Availability
The Open Room Change process opens and closes at 12 p.m. (noon).
2024-2025 Academic Year | ||
Semester | Date | Action |
Spring Semester | Monday, Dec 2 | Open Room Change opens for first-year students currently assigned to supplemental housing |
Spring Semester | Thursday, Dec 5 | Open Room Change opens all other eligible students |
Spring Semester | Tuesday, Dec 10 | Open Room Change closes |
2025-2026 Academic Year | ||
Semester | Date | Action |
Spring Semester | Monday, Dec 1 | Open Room Change opens for first-year students currently assigned to supplemental housing |
Spring Semester | Thursday, Dec 4 | Open Room Change opens all other eligible students |
Spring Semester | Tuesday, Dec 9 | Open Room Change closes |
Open Room Change Instructions
2025 Spring Open Room Change
Review current room rates and speak with the person(s) responsible for paying your student bill to ensure that the rate adjustment (if applicable) is permissible
Select My Info > My Room, then UP - Spring 2025
Select Change Assignment
Search for a room by selecting area, building, and/or room
Select Take This Room to confirm your new assignment
You may continue to view available rooms and change your room assignment until the deadline of 12 p.m. (noon) ET Tuesday Dec. 10
Your spring semester bill in LionPATH will be updated with any changes to your room cost
Students completing a room change for spring will be expected to vacate their fall assignment when they leave for the winter break. Instructions for checking out of your current assignment and into your new spring semester assignment will be emailed to you closer to the end of the semester. Your new spring room assignment may not be available for you to drop your items off; in these situations, Housing Operations may be able to provide limited storage. Additional information will be provided before the end of fall semester.

Housing and Food Charges
Housing and food charges for each semester that a student has an accepted HFS Contract will be posted to the student's LionPATH account. If there is a change to a student's room assignment that has a different room rate, the charge/credit will be applied to the student's account based on a prorated amount.
When an incoming first-year student accepts the offer of admission, a non-refundable $100 housing deposit is required to complete the process. The housing deposit will be applied on the student's fall semester bill as a credit towards the room rate. If the student decides to not attend Penn State, the housing deposit will not be refunded.
Students interested in living on campus beyond their first year are not required to pay a housing deposit or application fee.

Partial Year HFS Contracts
Housing and Food Service (HFS) Contracts are offered for a full academic year.
Housing for Fall Semester Only
Students who are planning to graduate early or who will be away from campus for study abroad, student teaching, an internship, a co-op, or a leave of absence, will accept a HFS Contract for the entire academic year.
During the fall semester, the student will file their intent to graduate, schedule study abroad, or file a leave of absence in LionPATH. Once this information is posted in LionPATH, the student can submit a HFS Contract Cancellation request in eLiving. The Housing Assignment Office will confirm the student's LionPATH account and process the HFS Contract cancellation for the semester the student will be away from campus. No cancellation fee will be charged.
Housing for Spring Semester Only
Students who need housing for spring semester will be able to add their name to the On-Campus Housing Waitlist in eLiving beginning at 12 p.m. (noon) ET, Oct. 1. HFS Contracts will be offered throughout November and December on Monday afternoons; a student will be able to self-select a room assignment from available space. If the student accepts the HFS Contract after the Open Room process, the Housing Assignment Office will process a room assignment.
Learn more about the Spring Semester Only Housing Process.

HFS Contract Cancellations
The HFS Contract is a legally binding contract; once a student has completed the 3-step process to accept the HFS Contract, the HFS Contract cannot be canceled for a student to live off campus. This condition is also acknowledged by the student during the acceptance process.
First-year students are required to reside on campus. Under certain circumstances, a student may be eligible for a HFS Contract Exemption.
Upper-class students are not required to reside on campus, and accepting the HFS Contract indicates the student intends to live on campus. The HFS Contract cannot be canceled for a student to move off campus. If a student accepts a HFS Contract and then signs a lease for an off-campus apartment, the student will be liable for housing and food charges for the HFS Contract AND the fees associated with the lease. The University is not obligated to cancel the HFS Contract because a student accepted an off-campus housing lease and is making double payments for housing.
Students who are no longer enrolled at Penn State or scheduled for University Park classes are eligible to cancel the HFS Contract with no penalty.
Extenuating Circumstances
A student may submit a HFS Contract Cancellation Request ONLY if extenuating circumstances exist:
Failure to Enroll. The HFS Contract may be canceled if the student does not attend or enroll at Penn State during the term of the accepted HFS Contract. If a student withdraws but then re-enrolls after the HFS Contract is canceled, the HFS Contract will be reinstated and the student will be obligated to fulfill the terms of the HFS Contract.
Extreme Circumstances. A student may submit a HFS Contract Release Request Form to indicate an extreme circumstance the student is dealing with. Each request is reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
Withdrawal or Academic Drop. A student is no longer eligible for University Housing when the student has voluntarily withdrawn or has been academically suspended; the HFS Contract will be canceled.
University-Sanctioned Academic Activity. A student may be released from the HFS Contract if the student submits a Request Contract Cancellation for a University-sanctioned academic activity that requires the student to be away from campus (e. g., practicum, study abroad, internship). The HFS Contract will not be canceled until such activity is verified on the student's LionPATH account. If a student does not participate in the academic activity but re-enrolls after the HFS Contract is canceled, the HFS Contract will be reinstated and the student will be obligated to fulfill the terms of the HFS Contract.
HFS Contract Cancellation Request
1. Non-enrollment, withdrawal, leave of absence, transfer to another PSU campus, transfer to another university, study abroad, internship, graduation:
eLiving > Contracts > Request Contract Cancellation
The Housing Assignment Office will review the request and respond by email within 1-2 business days with confirmation or denial of request. Action to cancel the HFS Contract may not occur until the student's LionPATH account is updated to reflect the reason (such as intent to graduate, study aboard credits, classes cancelled, etc.).
If the HFS Contract is canceled for any of these reasons and then the student proceeds to schedule classes during the contract period, the HFS Contract cancellation will be revoked, the HFS Contract will be reinstated, and the student will be assigned to a room. The student will then be obligated to fulfill the HFS Contract and pay housing and food for the original term.
2. Extenuating circumstances - financial, marriage:
Submit the completed HFS Contract Release Request Form (PDF file) to the Housing Assignment Office, include supporting documentation to substantiate request. Contract Release Requests are reviewed by a University committee, who meets on a regular basis. The student will receive an email within 7-10* business days with confirmation or denial of request. If a request is granted, the response will indicate the penalty fee associated with the cancellation.
For requests related to medical conditions, the Request for Reasonable Accommodation in Housing form needs to be completed instead of the Release Request form.
*The 7-10 business days is an estimate; during certain times of the year, the response time may be longer due to the volume of requests. The Committee has a set meeting scheduled, and requests to expedite a review will not be honored.
The student has the right to submit an appeal to a determination for a HFS Contract Release. The appeal should be submitted to the Housing Assignment Office, and include additional and specific documentation to substantiate request. The appeal will be reviewed by the Director, Ancillary Services, and a response will be sent to the student via email within 7-10 business days.

HFS Contract Exemptions
First-year students are required to reside on campus at University Park. Students who are eligible for certain exemptions (such as local status or over age 21), selecting on-campus housing will be listed as optional during the admission acceptance process.
Exemption Criteria
A student may submit an exemption request from the residency requirement if one of these conditions is met:
The student is 21 years or older at the time of their initial registration with the University;
The student is married and their spouse will be at the University;
The student has actively served in the military prior to their admission to the University; or
The student graduated from a high school in Centre County (this applies to only these high schools: State College, Bellefonte, Grace Prep, Centre County Christian Academy, Penns Valley, Bald Eagle, Philipsburg-Osceola, and Saint Joseph) and will be living with their parent or legal guardian in Centre County in a permanent residence (parent or guardian is a permanent Centre County resident and paying Centre County taxes).
An exemption request may only be submitted for the entire academic year; exemptions will not be processed in the fall to release a student for the spring semester.
Unless a student meets one of these conditions, the expectation is for the student to reside on campus for the full HFS Contract period.
Submittal Deadlines
Semester of Admittance |
Deadline |
Summer Session |
Jun. 1 |
Fall Semester |
Jun. 30 |
Spring Semester |
Dec. 1 |
If a student accepts the offer of admission after the deadline date, the request must be received within ten (10) days of the acceptance date. Exemption requests approved after the deadline are subject to a $100 administrative processing fee.
Exemption requests will not be honored after the late add/drop deadline for the appropriate semester.
An exemption request may only be submitted for the entire academic year; exemptions will not be processed in the fall to release a student for the spring semester.
Required Documentation
The following documents must be submitted together by the deadline based on the student's semester of admittance to Penn State:
Supporting Documentation as necessary (identified on form if required)
Sponsored International Students
Incoming first-year international students who are sponsored by a partner approved by the University have the option to live on campus or request an exemption from the residency requirement. The student will need to accept the HFS Contract when accepting the offer of admission, and then can submit the required documentation by the identified deadline to have the HFS Contract cancelled. The housing deposit will be applied as a credit on the student's LionPATH account 2-3 months after the start of the semester.
Required Documentation
The following documents must be submitted together by the deadline based on the student's semester of admittance to Penn State:
Signed letter of support from the student's parent or guardian
Letter of support from the sponsoring entity. The sponsoring entity must be a recognized University partner, and cannot be a relative or family friend.
Submittal Deadlines
Semester of Admittance |
Deadline |
Summer Session |
Jun. 1 |
Fall Semester |
Jun. 30 |
Spring Semester |
Dec. 1 |
If a student accepts the offer of admission after the deadline date, all three (3) completed items must be received within ten (10) days of the acceptance date. Exemption requests approved after the deadline are subject to a $100 administrative processing fee.
Exemption requests will not be honored after the late add/drop deadline for the appropriate semester.
An exemption request may only be submitted for the entire academic year; exemptions will not be processed in the fall to release a student for the spring semester.
Future Housing
A student who has been exempted from the residency requirement will be ineligible to participate in the LiveOn Housing Process for the following academic year. However, the student may add their name to the On-Campus Housing Waitlist to be considered for housing.

Contract Transfer of Obligation (CTO)
The HFS Contract is a legally-binding contract that obligates a student to live on campus. Although the University is not obligated to offer any option to release students from the HFS Contract, the Contract Transfer of Obligation (CTO) feature is available to support students as they finalize their semester plans. The CTO feature provides students an opportunity to transfer the obligation to another eligible student during the identified timeline.
If a student of third (3rd) semester standing or higher who is enrolled and attending the University Park campus has accepted a HFS Contract and is interested in cancelling the HFS Contract, they may utilize the CTO feature to transfer the HFS Contract to another eligible student. The student who transfers the obligation of the HFS Contract will have a $100 administrative fee applied to the student's LionPATH account once the CTO has been processed.
CTO transaction options:
CTO Waitlist: a student with an accepted HFS Contract can add their name to the CTO Waitlist and the Housing Assignment Office will identify a student to complete the transaction.
CTO Exchange: a student with an accepted HFS Contract who has identified an eligible student can use the CTO Exchange form (both students must complete the form).
The CTO form is available noon, Monday March 3 - noon Wednesday, April 30
CTO Waitlist transactions will be processed between Monday, March 17 - Wednesday, April 30
CTO Exchanges will be processed once both students complete the form
Conditions for CTO Waitlist
The Housing Assignment Office will provide the time period for when CTO transactions can be performed. Once the deadline has passed, requests may not be submitted. In the case where there are limited vacancies, the option of the CTO transaction may be suspended prior to the deadline without advance notice.
The student wishing to cancel the HFS Contract is responsible for adding their name to the CTO Waitlist form.
The Housing Assignment Office will identify the replacement student to complete the CTO transaction. The University makes NO guarantee that a CTO transaction will occur.
If the Housing Assignment Office is successful in processing a CTO transaction, the original student will be charged a $100 administrative fee.
Conditions for CTO Exchange
The Housing Assignment Office will provide the time period for when CTOs can be performed. Once the deadline has passed, requests may not be submitted. In the case where there are limited vacancies, the option of the CTO may be suspended prior to the deadline without advance notice.
The student wishing to cancel the HFS Contract is responsible for locating an eligible replacement student.
The replacement student accepting the CTO transaction must be an upper-class under-graduate student (third semester or higher) and be in good standing with the University. First-year students may not perform a CTO transaction.
The replacement student cannot have already signed an HFS Contract for the same contract period.
The replacement student must acknowledge that they understand that the HFS Contract offer will be for supplemental housing space. The replacement student will not receive the transferring student's HFS Contract type or room assignment. The replacement student will have the ability to add their name to a Waitlist for other housing options.
The replacement student must accept the HFS Contract through eLiving.
If the replacement student does not take occupancy or withdraws from the University before taking occupancy, the student initiating the CTO remains liable for the financial obligation of the HFS Contract.
It is a violation of University policy to sell or attempt to sell an HFS Contract. The replacement student cannot offer, and the transferring student cannot accept, any form of compensation for the CTO transaction. Any student who is found to have sold or purchased an HFS Contract will be referred to the Office of Student Accountability and Conflict Response (OSACR).
The Housing Assignment Office may deny a CTO transaction if it is determined that the transaction is not in the best interest of the University or the students requesting the transfer.