Room Exchange eBoard
Room Exchange eBoard
Penn State strives to accommodate student preferences when making room assignments. However, it may not be feasible to assign every student to a room that matches preferences requested on the HFS Contract.
The eBoard feature provides students the ability to manage their room assignment. The eBoard is a safe and secure way to view posts made by other students who are interested in changing their room assignments. Requests are managed completely within the eLiving system. If students agree to a room switch, the eLiving system will automatically update each student's room assignment.
Once room assignments are posted in eLiving, the Room Exchange eBoard is available for students to use to manage their room assignment.
- The Direct Room Switch feature is available for students who want to request a switch with a specific person
- The eBoard feature is available for students who are interested in a different room assignment. Students can view posts made by other students and can request a room switch with a student. They can view posts in other housing areas and halls.
Room Exchange eBoard is available in eLiving > My Info> Room Exchange eBoard

Direct Room Switch
If you want to live with a specific student, the Direct Room Switch feature is available - simply submit a request to your friend's roommate using their Penn State Access Account ID. Your friend can view this information on their My Info > My Room page.
Alternatively, your friend can request a switch with your roommate.
You do not want to request a switch with your friend - you will not be assigned to the same room!
You do not need to make an eBoard post to process a Direct Room Switch.
Click the "Request a Direct Room Switch" link on the eBoard page
Enter the student's Penn State Access Account ID (the person who you want to switch with, NOT the student you want to live with)
The student will receive an email request for the room switch, with a response deadline of 48 hours. They can either accept or decline the request. During this timeframe, you cannot submit other requests. You can cancel the pending request by clicking the red "Cancel Request" button.
If the student accepts the direct room switch request, eLiving will automatically process the room assignment change for both you and the student. Any room rate adjustment associated with the change will be applied to your LionPATH account.

eBoard Posts
The eBoard is available once room assignments are posted, and remains open for five days for summer session and three weeks for fall semester. View Important Dates for exact information.
By using the Room Exchange eBoard, the student acknowledges consent for the room assignment change, which includes acceptance of a new room assignment, a new roommate (if applicable), and agreement for any room rate changes that will be applied to the student's LionPATH account.
Students may not be able to request a room exchange with all students listed on the eBoard. The system will prevent first-year and upper-class students from changing room assignments, and students with certain room assignments (such as those assigned for a medical accommodation, sororities, LLCs, etc.) may not be able to exchange with another student unless that student has a similar type of HFS Contract.
Start with adding My eBoard Posts - you cannot view eBoard posts until you have added your post. Adding your post will not impact your current room assignment - you will remain in that room unless you agree to a room switch. You can decline any request that is made to you.
If you and your roommate are looking for a different room assignment, both of you must add a My eBoard Post and indicate Y for Move With Roommate.
When reviewing posts, look for two students in the same room assignment who have indicated Y.
You will want to request a room switch with person A in the room; your roommate will request a room switch with person B in the room. Both of you must submit the room switch request. eLiving does not change your roommate's room assignment if your room switch request is approved.