Storage Options
Students need to remove all personal items from University Housing when they check out. The University is not able to offer storage for students' personal belongings during the academic year or summer. The University has partnered with Storage Squad to provide a storage and shipping solution for students.
Students may choose Storage Squad to store and/or ship items during the summer or while on study abroad. Storage Squad accepts reservations online and offers packing supplies (boxes and tape), pick-up, and delivery storage services to both on- and off-campus housing, as well as domestic shipping via UPS Ground Service. Learn more about services offered through this 30-second video.
The Storage Squad relationship benefits students and the University. The Association of Residence Hall Students (ARHS) receives annual financial support from this relationship, which enables ARHS to provide events and student services to students within the residence halls. Students are not obligated to select Storage Squad as their storage solution and may utilize other companies. Questions regarding the Storage Squad relationship can contact the University Housing Office at 814-865-7501.
More Information
Storage Squad Pricing
Stored items are priced individually, based on size per storage terms (for example, summer, semester, or a 4-month term). Storage Squad offers a price estimating tool at www.storagesquad.com/storage-estimate.
End of Spring Semester: Summer Storage
At the end of spring semester, students can take advantage of summer storage (PDF file) with Storage Squad. Once a student signs up for service at storagesquad.com/pennstate, they will pick up boxes and packing tape from their area Housing Operations Office. The student will pack and label all items, then simply leave everything stored in their room. Storage Squad will pick up belongings after the semester has ended.
Interested? Deadline to sign up for service for 2025 summer storage: Friday, Apr. 25.
Summer-to-Fall Storage
Students who live on campus during Summer Session II may have the opportunity to store items in their fall semester room assignment at the end of Summer Session. Details about the summer-to-fall storage process are posted late-July.
Fall Semester Ship-To-School Delivery Option
Storage Squad's Ship-To-School programs allows you to send your personal items to campus, prior to fall semester Arrival. Storage Squad will deliver your items directly to your fall room assignment prior to you arriving to campus.
Interested? The deadline to sign up for 2025 fall semester: Friday, Aug. 1.
Register online https://storagesquad.com/shiptoschool/pennstate
Storage Squad provides you free boxes, shipping labels, and shipping instructions
Pack your items, seal the box, and add the shipping label
Ship your items
Storage Squad will receive and store your items, they will deliver items to your fall semester room assignment before Arrival
Fall Semester Early Delivery
Students who live on campus and have a contract with Storage Squad can utilize the "Pre-Arrival Delivery" option. This is an early-delivery option, where Storage Squad is escorted by University staff into the residence halls, and will deliver items to students' rooms prior to the beginning of fall semester. Other storage companies are not permitted to deliver items to University Housing before fall semester starts or without the student available as an escort.