Important Dates
Stay up to date on housing opening/closing times, Campus Meal Plan deadlines, LiveOn Housing Process, Campus Dining events, & more!
Consolidated List of Important Dates
LiveOn 2025-26: On-Campus Housing Waitlist
Students who are not eligible to Request Housing for the 2025-26 academic year can add their name to the On-Campus...
LiveOn 2025-26: Preferred Housing Option Waitlist
Students with an accepted Housing and Food Service (HFS) Contract for the 2025-26 academic year have the opportunity to express...
2025 spring semester Room Exchange eBoard
Ramadan Iftar Service
Pop-Up Feature: Street Tacos at Pollock Fresco
Stop by Pollock Fresco for a limited-time menu feature: Street Tacos!
Pop-Up Feature: MTO Ice Cream Cookie Sandwich
What do you get when you pair Penn State Bakery cookies with Creamery Ice Cream? The best Ice Cream Cookie...
2025-26 Housing Preferences Modification Deadline (for current students)
The housing preferences modification deadline for current students who accepted a Housing and Food Service (HFS) Contract for the 2025-26...
Special Dinner Event: Arab Heritage Month
Join us at Pollock for menu features celebrating Arab Heritage Month. Available during regular dinner hours, you'll find entrees including...
Carnival Dinner Event
The final special dinner event of the semester will include a walk down the midway for all of your favorite...
Pop-Up Feature: MTO Hot Dog Bar
Enjoy a MTO Hot Dog Bar with all the best toppings!
Pop-Up Feature: MTO Fry Bar
Enjoy a MTO Fry Bar & Poutine during regular dinner hours!
Pop-Up Feature: Spring Feature
Join us during regular lunch hours for this special feature: Salmon Roulade with Boursin Cheese.
Pop-Up Feature: Earth Day
Enjoy Earth Day with some special menu features highlighting hyper-local Penn State ingredients from our on-campus partners at Penn State...
Pop-Up Feature: Thai Inspired Sausage & Egg Sandwich
Fuel your last few weeks of classes and projects with a limited-time breakfast feature: Thai Inspired Sausage & Egg Sandwich.
Upscale Chef Feature: Penn State Pride Appreciation Event
Celebrating the end of the semester with the best students, enjoy an upscale appreciation event featuring menu items highlighting our...
Pop-Up Feature: Finals Week Stress Busters
Join us at East Food District all week for feature stress busters.
Free events on the grand staircase (during regular...
2025 Spring Semester: Campus Meal Plan level change deadline
The deadline to change 2025 spring semester Campus Meal Plan level is noon, Friday, May 9.
Eligible students can...
2025 Spring Semester - University Housing closedown
University Housing CLOSES at 4 p.m., Saturday, May 10 for all students living in East Halls, Wolf and Ritner Halls...
2025 Spring Semester - University Housing closedown
University Housing CLOSES at 4 p.m., Sunday, May 11 for ALL residents.
The exception is for students living...
2025-26 Housing Preferences Modification Deadline (for incoming first-year students)
The housing preferences modification deadline for incoming first-year students attending University Park for 2025 summer session and/or 2025-26 academic year...