cherry blossom tree in front of a residence hall
Transfer Students:

LiveOn in University Housing

Penn State LiveOn Housing Process Timeline

LiveOn Housing Process

Welcome to the Penn State family! WE ARE excited that you've chosen to be part of the Penn State community. Transferring to a new school can seem overwhelming, so we've made the process to LiveOn an easy one.

As the majority of on-campus housing is reserved for incoming first-year students, housing for transfer students is not guaranteed and is based on availability of space.

Transfer students who are interested in off-campus housing can utilize the resources provided by the Off-Campus Student Support Office.

Housing Process

Step 1: Accept the Offer of Admission

Transfer students who are admitted to the University will receive an offer of admission through MyPennState. When accepting the offer of admission, you will be informed whether on-campus housing is available:

Housing Available:

You will have the opportunity to indicate your interest to live in University Housing. By selecting "Yes", you will receive a Housing and Food Service (HFS) Contract that you will review and agree to the Terms, Conditions, and Regulations, then pay the general and housing deposit fees. This will complete your acceptance of the offer of admission and secure a space for you in on-campus housing! Please note, once you accept the HFS Contract, it is a legally-binding contract which cannot be cancelled. 

If you are not interested in living in University Housing, you can select "No" to the option, which will then take you to the page to pay the general deposit fees and accept the offer of admission.

Housing Not Available:

You will be advised If University Housing is not available.

If you are interested in being considered for on-campus housing, you can add your name to the On-Campus Housing Waitlist in eLiving, which will open at noon December 1. Starting in late-March, if space is available, HFS Contract offers will be released on Monday afternoons to those on the Waitlist. 

If on-campus housing is not available, students on the Waitlist will be notified so that they can explore off-campus housing options.

Step 2: Explore & indicate your housing preferences

After you have accepted a HFS Contract and the offer of admission, you will then be able to login to eLiving to view the HFS Contract and enter preferences, including housing area, roommate, Living Learning Community and Campus Meal Plan level.

Step 3: Move in & LiveOn

Visit our Arrival website to learn more about moving into your room, including the move-in schedule, check-in locations, and checklists to help you plan.