First-Year Student LLC Housing Process
Incoming first-year students interested in living in a Living Learning Community (LLC) can indicate the LLC as a preference on the Housing and Food Service (HFS) Contract in eLiving after accepting the Offer of Admission and HFS Contract through MyPennState.
Preferences can be updated until the modification deadline of 12:00 p.m. (noon) May 15.
Space available in some LLCs is limited, and not all students who preference the LLC may be assigned. Some LLCs require an additional application to the college/department.
First-year students can indicate a roommate preference on the HFS Contract. Roommate preferences are not guaranteed to be honored, as some LLCs are not able to accommodate roommate preferences due to limited space. Priority is given to accommodate LLC requests for the space, versus assigning roommate pairs for non-members.
Current Students LLC Housing Process
Living Learning Communities (LLCs) have designated housing space on campus for active members of the LLC. Several LLCs offer students the ability to return-to-living-environment beyond the first-year, provided the student retains active status with the LLC. Current LLC members who are returning to live in their Living Learning Community (LLC) for the next academic year have the unique opportunity to self-select their room assignment! No other student group is eligible to self-select a room assignment.
LLCs available for upper-class students
The following LLCs offer eligible upper-class students a return-to-living-environment in the LLC designated housing space:
Ally House | Global Engagement Community |
Arts & Architecture (A&A) | Information Science & Technology (IST) |
Business and Society House (BASH) | Professional Golf Management |
Earth and Mineral Sciences (EMS) | Schreyer Honors College |
EARTH House | Schreyer Honors College GLOBE |
Engineering House (E-House) | STEM (FISE upper-class select a new LLC) |
Forensic Science | Women in Science & Engineering (WISE) |
Current Members who want to return to the LLC
Current members of the LLC must meet the eligibility requirements established by the LLC to receive a housing offer for the next academic year. LLCs have a designated Housing Chair to track eligibility of members, as the requirements may vary by each LLC, and will keep members information of their status. LLC members must retain eligibility for both the fall and spring semesters. Students who do not participate in the LLC during the spring semester and are no longer eligible to return to the LLC for the upcoming academic year will be reassigned to another housing area.
LLC members will receive a Housing and Food Service (HFS) Contract offer, not an invitation, to live in the LLC. By accepting the LLC HFS Contract, students are implying their understanding that their room assignment will be made to a room in the LLCs reserved space, unless participation requirements for spring semester are not met.
Current Members who want to live on campus but not in the LLC
Current LLC members who want to live on campus, but not in the LLC, will need to participate in the LiveOn Housing Process. Due to their LLC membership, students will still receive an HFS Contract offer for the LLC. This LLC HFS Contract offer should NOT be accepted, the offer will expire on the indicated Deadline to Complete.
Once the LLC HFS Contract offer expires, students are then eligible to receive an invitation during the LiveOn Housing Process and can select another available housing option.
Upper-class students interested in joining the LLC
Students who are interested in joining an LLC and have accepted an HFS Contract for the upcoming academic year can utilize the Preferred Housing Option Waitlist feature to be considered for reassignment.
Eligible students who are interested in returning to the LLC for the next academic year need to participate in the LiveOn Housing Process and will receive a direct Housing and Food Service (HFS) Contract offer for the LLC.
Date | Action |
October 1 - November 4 | Request Housing during Blue Track LiveOn Housing Process |
Monday, Nov 4 | LLC HFS Contract offers released between 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. |
Thursday, Nov 7 | Deadline to Complete LLC HFS Contract offer at 12:00 p.m. (noon) |
March 18 - April 1 | Room Assignment Self-Selection |
Students who want to return to the LLC must accept the HFS Contract offer before the Deadline to Complete.
If a student is no longer interested in living in the LLC, the student should NOT accept the LLC Contract offer. The offer will expire, and then the student will be eligible to receive an invitation during the LiveOn Housing Process and select another housing option.
Room Assignment Self-Select Process
Current LLC members who are returning to live in their Living Learning Community (LLC) for the next academic year have the unique opportunity to self-select their room assignment! No other student group is eligible to self-select a room assignment.
Process Overview
Self-Select Process Overview
When accessing eLiving, use a web browser other than Chrome to ensure optimal performance. Chrome may prevent a student from properly selecting a room assignment.
Review 2025-2026 housing and food rates.
Available rooms for the specific LLC will be available to view in eLiving starting on the date indicated on timeline. Students cannot select a room until their scheduled date and time. Only rooms blocked for the specific LLC will be displayed. The rooms displayed may be different than rooms used for the current academic year, as rooms for incoming first-year students or used for medical accommodations are not available for self-select. As rooms are selected, the space will no longer display as available.
Each LLC group determines the order that students are scheduled for the self-select process, whether it be by points earned or semester standing. The Housing Assignment Office does not determine the self-select order.
The student's assigned self-select date and time is displayed in eLiving > Summary > LLC HFS Contract . The first section of the HFS Contract outlines the process and indicates the start date and time.

Room assignment changes can be made until 12:00 p.m. (noon) on the deadline indicated on timeline.
The Housing Assignment Office will process a room assignment for students who do not self-select a room assignment. Not selecting a room will not release the student from the HFS Contract obligation.
Roommate Requests
Requesting a roommate in the same LLC
Roommates must have accepted a HFS Contract for the same LLC to use the self-select process. Each student needs to add the roommate's Penn State Access Account in the "Housing Contract Data" section.
Roommate requests must be mutual - both students must indicate each other as a roommate preference. Once the roommate status shows as confirmed, the student with the earliest self-select date can make an initial assignment for both students. The roommate pair should determine who has the earliest self-select date, as that student should then select a room assignment for the pair.
For confirmed roommate pairs, only rooms that can accommodate both students will be displayed.
Room assignments can be changed until the indicated deadline. However, if a student has a LLC roommate and changes their room assignment after the initial selection, the room change is only processed for the student, not the roommate. The roommate will also need to process the room change.
Requesting a roommate who is not in the LLC
A roommate request who is not a part of the LLC can be indicated as a preference, but the roommate's name will show as pending.
Roommate requests must be mutual - both students must indicate each other as a roommate preference. Housing preferences can be updated in eLiving > Contracts > Update Preferences until the indicated deadline.
When the LLC student self-selects a room assignment, the roommate request will NOT be assigned.
The Housing Assignment Office will review roommate requests to determine the feasibility of assigning students together. If there is not enough space to accommodate the pair in the LLC, the students may be assigned to another space.
2025-2026 academic year | |
Date | Action |
March 18 - April 1 | Self-Selection Window |
Tuesday, Apr 1 | Deadline to self-select room |
Tuesday, Jul 15 | Room assignments posted |
How to Self-Select a Room Assignment
These steps should be followed at the student's scheduled self-select time:
Log on to eLiving using a web browser other than Chrome
Refresh the browser >>>>>> This action is important if the student logged in to eLiving prior to their scheduled begin time. Refreshing the browser at the designated time will update the page so it allows the self-selection process to be active
Go to My Info > My Room
Select the correct campus and contract period UP > fall 20xx-spring 20xx
If applicable, add roommate preference in the "Housing Contract Data" section on the My Room page.
Under the Room Search section, click on the available area, building, floor, and room types to view the list of available rooms
Select a room
Click the Take This Room button to confirm choice
The Take This Room button will NOT APPEAR unless it's the students scheduled time to select a room!
If multiple students are trying to select the same room at the same time, the system can only assign one person to the room. Depending on who clicks the "Take This Room" button first, it is possible that a student may NOT be assigned to the selected room. -
Confirm room selection has been processed by making sure that the room selected appears in the top section of the My Room page
Room Assignment
During the self-selection timeframe, students will be able to view their selected room assignment.
Once the self-selection deadline has passed the room assignment display feature will be turned off and students will not be able to view their room assignment. The Housing Assignment Office needs to process room assignments for other students after that time and cannot have this feature activated. LLC members' room assignments will NOT change unless requested for a roommate pair.
Room assignments will be available to view at 12:00 p.m. (noon) in eLiving. Students will be able to view their room and building assigned and roommate(s) - name, Penn State Access Account, and cell phone (if available).
eLiving > My Info > My Room
2025-2026 academic year | |
Date | Action |
Mar 18 - Apr 1 | Self-Selection Window |
Tuesday, Apr 1 | Deadline to self-select room |
Tuesday, Jul 15 | Room assignments posted |