Delegate Access update for Housing and Food Services
Housing and Food Services is excited to announce that a student can now indicate a delegate with whom staff can discuss their Housing and Food Service (HFS) Contract details. Delegate access does not grant the person the ability to login to the eLiving system.
Authorized delegates will display on the student's eLiving account, which then provides staff confirmation that they may speak about the student's account. The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) protects students educational records, including housing and food services, and the University is not able to discuss a student's account with any person without their consent.
Housing and Food Service (HFS) Contract and Campus Meal Plan Delegate Access covers these items:
- HFS Contract status
- Room assignment
- Mailing Address
- Mail and packages
- Campus Meal Plan level and dining dollars balance
- Housing and Food charges
- Housing accommodations
- Request for Reasonable Accommodation in Housing form
Students can grant delegate access through their LionPATH account. Delegate access only needs to be added once, and will remain effective throughout the student's Penn State career.